Friday, November 14, 2008

New Knees

I HAVE NEW KNEES!  Now I just need to learn how to walk on them and stuff.  On Wednesday we got to the hospital at 9:00 am.  I was supposed to go into surgery at 11:00 but I was delayed until 3:00pm.  I didn't get up to my room until 8:00pm.  It was a long day and I hadn't eaten anything so we immediately started on ice chips.  The ice at St. Als is like Sonic ice.  I love Sonic ice. So I just keep getting more. After ice comes jello and then some toast.  I started doing exercises during the night.

Yesterday I had to walk two feet to my chair.  ARGH that was painful.  It's amazing to me how hard it is to get my legs to work. The walk back to bed was not as bad but I didn't have any pain killers, so I was really hurting.  They had to take me off of them because my blood pressure was too low, and so I was light headed.  Right now I'm going to physical therapy.

So now it is the end of the day and I'm pretty tired.  They took out the catheter and so now I have to get up to go to the bathroom. Such a bummer when that happens.  I've walked the halls twice and I'm hopefully going to be stronger tomorrow.  

As I'm pretty wiped out I think I'll  be going to bed now.  Thanks for all of your prayers and support.


The Pick's Patch said...

can't wait to see those new knees!!! Show us pictures! Hang it there, Case! You're awesome! I hear after 6 weeks you'll LOVE it!!!

Jas and Berg said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, and I want to know about birthday week. I already do something like that, by using my birthday as a reason to do or get anything I want for about 2 weeks around my birthday, so let me know sometime. As for Shannon, Sara P. is doctor P's wife and my BFF, so naturally, I've known Shannon well for over a year. She is so sweet...she'd always pray for me during fertility and I think she was more excited for me than a lot of people when it worked. She is a doll and so much fun. My favorite thing she says is "deliciousness". She taught me that when my little brother was in town and we were all being silly. Anyway, there's your answer! I hope you feel better soon...just keep sleeping. That's what I do after surgery. Except my legs worked, so I think you really have to stay down. I love catheters, too...they are so convenient! Take care and I'll be checking in on you via phone. (this might be a long comment?!)Berg :-)

Kerrie said...

I can't believe you are already blogging. But it was nice to hear that everything went good. Hang in there.

Laurel said...

Wow! That's big surgery! I'm glad all went well, and I hope the recovery is quick for you. And most of all I hope that you feel so much better when all is said and done!

Jody said...

I'm so happy to hear that things went well. I couldn't believe you were already up and walking when I saw the video on are amazing. You continue to be in my prayers and I'll see you soon. Take Care.

Dawn said...

Soccer? Any time soon? I hope you heal quickly.

*Brandi said...

We love you and miss you and your family! We wish you a speedy recovery. Sounds pretty exciting with new knees and all! Hope to see you soon!

-Brandi & B.J.

Jesse Edwards said...

glad you're going to be able to walk again! let me know what you need!